
Elias and I visited another cool place in our neighborhood this week, called KidZania. The premise is that it's a miniature city where kids can learn to do all of the jobs and earn "money" that they can then spend to buy or do fun things. There was SO MUCH to do there! We'll go back over and over again, because there's just no way you can get to it all in a single day. So much fun! Each of the shops is sponsored by a real local business, so it really helps the kids connect what they're doing to the real world. It is such a neat idea!

Elias' first job was working in a Yellow Cab pizza shop. He and 6 other children actually made their own pizzas, and then they got to eat them, too! Elias is in the back right.
 They kneaded and rolled the rough, put on sauce, and put on toppings.
Then they baked them in the oven and ate them... Yum!
Elias' next job was becoming a member of a street band! One neat thing about this place is that parents don't go into each activity with the kids, and so the kids have the freedom to really learn and do on their own. I like that Elias was able to do all these things independently from me!
There was only one other girl in his street band, in addition to the two ladies who ran the shop, but they picked out a song, did some practices, and chose costumes.
Then they put on their show!

Next, Elias chose to work in a veterinary clinic.
He learned how to help a dog with a broken leg!
Dr. Elias is handsome in that white coat, and Loki the terrier feels better.
Elias took a break from working by taking a bus tour of the KidZania city.
We passed the police station, and Elias snagged the opportunity to take a photo in jail! :)
The last job Elias did this day was a marine conservationist. He learned how to clean up water so that fish would be healthy and fishermen would be able to catch more fish. We were able to pet starfish and hermit crabs, and he loved that they had a fish tank with the characters from Finding Nemo in it! Pictures weren't allowed in the marine lab, but I took this picture of the neat entrance.
So it was a super special day, and we will definitely go back again to experience more of the amazing things kids can do there!
