Our New Neighborhood

Our new neighborhood is amazing. We live in Bonifacio Global City (called BGC), a section of Manila that many of the other Americans around here call "the bubble," because it is so Western it feels like you could be in any large American city. Going to a different part of Manila feels like your bubble is being burst. :)

BGC just got this new greenway that people love to walk and jog on. I can take this path to get to the grocery store in about 7 minutes! Our building is in the background.
 Our building also has the most amazing pool I have ever seen. We are living the life!!
Every Sunday, the little park that is directly outside our building hosts a dog playtime. They have two separate sections for big dogs and little dogs! Elias loves seeing all the dogs come to play!
There is an outrageous variety of restaurants in our neighborhood. At a place called Wildflour, I got this Carmelized Onion, Brie, and Date Tarte. (What??!!)
At a place called The Tipsy Pig, some friends got this hilarious Beer Can Chicken (which the server kindly removed from the beer can and cut up for them!).
 At the Pancake House, Elias enjoyed his peach waffle, sausage links, and scrambled eggs!
We've also tried Din Tai Fung (Taiwanese food), Motorino's Pizza, Burgers & Brewskies, Pound English Pub (where I enjoyed Truffle Risotto Tater Tots!), Farmacy Soda Fountain, and probably more that I'm forgetting! All of these places are walking distance from our apartment. If it wasn't for that super long flight, I'd never believe we came all the way around the world... Feels just like we're in New York or DC!
