Grandma's Visit: U.S. Capitol Tour

My mom came to visit for a few days before school started, and so we enjoyed some sightseeing! We had purchased tickets for a city bus tour, and we thought we'd see quite a few sights. However, it was POURING rain that day, so most of our intended stops were out of the picture. Therefore, we decided to devote most of our sightseeing time to touring the U.S. Capitol Building. We still did our bus tour and saw some sights from the windows, but we didn't get any pictures because the weather was so yucky. We did enjoy the neat stories of our tour guide, and it was still worth doing even in the rain!

 The Rotunda was amazing and beautiful!

Our Capitol tour guide was quite the personality. He was able to fluently converse in the native language of every person on his tour, which in our group included German, Tagalog, and Korean! He also had quite a few jokes to tell, which Elias thoroughly enjoyed.
 The original meeting room of the U.S. Senate.

The original meeting room of the U.S. House of Representatives. It had a neat echo feature where you could stand on one side of the room and hear people whispering on the other side of the room. According to our tour guide, this is part of why they no longer meet in this room!
