Grandma's Visit: Bureau of Engraving and Printing and White House Visitor's Center

We snuck in one last morning of sightseeing before Grandma went back home. We toured the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and saw how they make money... It was SO COOL! They don't allow pictures inside, but we took some pictures outside and in the gift shop.

Then, on our way down 15th Street, Grandma and Elias stopped to take a turn holding up the Washington Monument! :)
Our last stop was the White House Visitor's Center. Tours of the actual White House have to be arranged months in advance... We're still working on seeing if we can get one of those while we're in the area. However, the Visitor's Center itself is worth seeing, with lots of neat personal information about all the presidents who have lived in the White House.

 Thanks for visiting, Grandma! We had a blast with you!
